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Friday 25 October 2019

Bones of the Face

There are 14 facial bones all expect the mandible being United by sutures and immovable.
  Two nasal bones from the bridge of the nose.
 Two Palatine Bones from the roof of the mouth and the floor of the nose.
Two lacrimal bones from the tear ducts and part of the orbit at the inner angle of the eye through which is the fluid from the eye is carried to the nasal cavity.
Two Zygonatic bones from the cheek bones. Process from these bones unit with the zygomatic process of the temporal bones to from the zygomatic arch.
One vomer from the lower part of the bony partition in the nose. ( the upper part of the nasal septum is formed by the perpendicular plate of the ethnicity.)
Two inferior turbinate bones are the larger fear of three projections nasal conchae from the lateral wall of the maxilla.
Two maxilla from the upper jaw and content the upper teeth the body of the maxilla contents a large cavity the maxillary sinus, or antrum of Highmore, which communicates with the nasal cavity by to a small openings.

The mandible

The bones of the face

Monday 30 September 2019

Air sinuses of the skull

 Several cavities of Chambers are contained in the bones of the skull the frontal maxillary ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses paranasal sinuses which communicated with the nose air sinuses lighten the weight of the skull and give resonance to the voice.
 The frontal sinuses lie in the frontal bone one on is shayari at the route of the nose above the inner angle of the eye the maxillary sinuses sometimes known as antra of highmore lie one inside of the nose in the maxillary bones
Air sinuses

Neonatal skull viewed from above

Neonatal skull viewed from above


The bone of the Skull of an infant at birth not completely ossified the space between the Bona field in bye membrane and at the angles of the bones these membranes are called Fontanelles the largest of these is situated at the junction of the frontal and the to parietal bone where are the coral sagittal structure meet this is called the interior Fontanelles it is Diamond shape major about force from back to font and forms a soft spot on the head of an infant through which the brain can be felt pulsating this Fontanelle normally closed at the age of 18 months.
The posterior Fontanelle lies at the back at the junction of the two who created and the fetal bone close soon after birth

The Sphenoid Bone scene from the front

The Sphenoid Bone scene from the front

The structure of Cranium

The bones of the skull are United Together by immovable joints called sutures, with the exception of one of the bone of the face the mandible or lower job which articulates with the temporal at the mandibular joint the principle of structure are the coronal structure between the frontal bone and the two partial bone

The Ethmoid Bone

The Ethmoid is is a light spongy bone cubicle in a space situated at the roof of the nose wedged in between the orbits it consists off to literal masses Labyrinth compose of the Ethmoid cells or sinuses which are close aspect where the communicate with the nasal cavity Ethmoid content also a perpendicular plate and a cerebriform plate the perpendicular plate from the upper part of the nasal septum the cribriform  plate fits into a notch on the frontal bone above this plate the olfactory bulbs Lie and throw the perforation in the plate filaments of the olfactory nerves pass to the upper part of the nose

Sunday 29 September 2019

The left temporal bone seen from the side and below

The left temporal bone seen from the side and below

The frontal bone seen from below

The frontal bone seen from below

Temporal bones

 Two temporal bones from the lower part of the sides of the skull each bone consists of a number of parts the squamous part squama projects upwards  and gives attachment to the temporalis muscles from the the zygomatic bone behind and below the root of this process lies the external auditory meatus.
  the mastiod force and lies behind and it is continued downwards as the mastoid process its outer surface gives attachment to the the astronomers tied muscle the mastoid process continue a space known as the mastoid air cells and a particular Li large space living a little in front of these is named the tympanic antrum this space is end with epithelium which is continuous with that of a middle ear and tympanic cavity infection spreading from the middle ear lead to suppression in the tympanic antrum

Frontal Bones

The Frontal Bones from the forehead and the upper part of the orbital cavities the super aur supraorbital margin is marked by the supraorbital notch in its inner half through this notch the supraorbital vessels and the supraorbital nerve pass. The inner surface of the frontal bone is marked by depressions which are produced by the convolutions of the brain

Parietal Bones

The two Parietal bones together from the roof and sides of the skull the outer surface is smooth but the inner surface is marked by Deep furrows which lowers the cranial arteries.
A very large furrow David the middle of the bone lodge the meningeal artery.
 Rupture  obesity causes places on the software issue with screen damage first on the same side and later on the opposite side as well this result is alteration in the size of the pupils a very important nursing observation during the care of patient with head injury

The Occipital bone viewed from below

The Occipital bone viewed from below


The Occipital bone is at the back and lower part of the carnial cavity it is pierced by the foraman Magnum through which the medulla oblongata passes to join the spinal cord each side of the foramen Magnum message of born which from the condyles doctor and present articulating for the Atlas

Cranial bones

  1. Occipital
  2.  temporal
  3.  Parietal 
  4. Sphenoid 
  5. Frontal 
  6. Ethmoid

The left side of Skull

The left side of hospital indicating the position of some of the bones and structure and the the temperature mandibular joint

the interior of the cavity of the skull

 showing the anterior middle and posterior cranial Fossae the foraminae and nurse and blood vessels which pass through them

Saturday 28 September 2019

Classification of bones

 The bones of The Skeleton are classified according to their shape and formation.
 Long bones pound principally in the lens each long bone consists of a 7 and two extremities of long bones act as levers in the body and make movement possible.
Short bones good example of these are seen in the bones of the carpus and tarsus. They are composed largely of cancellous bone tissue as they required to be light and strong they have a thin covering of compact tissue short bones give strength in support as in the strength shown the wrist
Flat bones consists of two layers of dense bone tissue with interviewing layer of a spongy bone these are found where protection is needed as in the bone of the skull the in nominated bones ribs and scapula flat bones also referred large surface for the attachment of muscles for example the scapula.
Irregular bones are those which cannot be included in either of the other three classes examples of irregular bones are the vertebrae and some of the bones of the face. Thesesamoid bones another group these are developed in the tendons of muscles and are found in the vicinity of a joint the patella is the largest example of this type.

The appendicular skeleton comprises the Limbs and Limbs gridless

The appendicular skeleton comprises the Limbs and Limbs gridless
Upper limb
Lower limb

The Axial Skeleton

The Axial Skeleton comprises the head and trunk and includes the following bones:-
 The skull
 vertebral column
 sternum and ribs
 hyoid  bone.

The Skeleton

The Skeleton is the Bony framework of the body providing support and protection for some of the soft organs particularly in the skull and pelvis acting as levers in moment and providing surface for the attachment of the skeletal muscles in certain parts the frameworks is supplemented by cartilage.

Nelaton's line

Nelaton's line is an imaginary line drawn from the interior superior iliac spine backwards to to the tuberosity of the ischium. It cuts through the centre of the hip joint and across the top of the Great trochanter of the femur.
    It is useful in accessing the position of the femoral 18 this location of the event or in the neck of the femur is fractured.

Friday 27 September 2019

Medial aspect of the right foot indicating the position of some of that in terms of the muscles supporting the arches of the food

Medial aspect of the right foot indicating the position of some of that in terms of the muscles supporting the arches of the food

The media aspect of the right foot

The media aspect of the right foot for bones of foot

Lateral aspect of right foot indicating the position of the tendon

Lateral respect of right food indicating the position of the tendon

Lateral aspect of the right foot

Lateral aspect of the right foot

Anterior and posterior aspect of right lower limb

Anterior and posterior aspect of right lower limb

PalMar aspect of the left hand indicating the position of the metacarpo-Phalangeal joints the thinar and hypothenar muscle Eminences the PalMar fascia and tendons crossing the wrist beneath the flexor retinaculum

It is an important clinical point when applying a splint for plaster to keep the wrist extend that it should not impinge on the metacarpo-pha langeal joints but terminate below them to ensure that the patient can flex is finger over the splint two right angles with the is the palm of his hand.

Thursday 26 September 2019

Right upper limb lateral aspect with forearm supinated showing the position of the principal muscle of the upper arm that is extended to render the extensor tendons of the South indicating the Dimple known as the the Anatomical snuff box which lies between them

Right upper limb lateral aspect with forearm supinated showing the position of the principal muscle of the upper arm that is extended to render the extensor tendons of the South indicating the Dimple known as the the Anatomical snuff box which lies between them

Right arm in Anatomical position

Right arm in Anatomical position.

Note carrying angle at elbow joint

Nelaton's line

Nelaton's line

The trunk from the back

The trunk from the back the apex of the long Rise Above The clavicle the position of the pleura is s h o w n steeple.

The posterior aspect of the trunk surface anatomy

The posterior aspect of the trunk surface anatomy area prone to pressure Sores are crosshatched.

The trunk showing the position of organ in relation to the abdominal wall

    The trunk showing the position of organ in relation to the abdominal wall for the position of the heart and lungs in relation to Forex

The anterior aspect of the trunk

The suprasternal notch the sternal angle (of Louis) the xiphoid and the anterior superior spine can be fade.

Planes and regions of abdomen

  Planes and regions of abdomen

  1. The right hypochondria 
  2. the epigastric
  3.  the left hypochondriac 
  4. the right lumbar
  5.  the umbilical 
  6. the left lumbar
  7.  the right iliac 
  8. the hypogastric
  9.  the left iliac

Wednesday 25 September 2019

the anterior triangle of the neck

The anterior triangle of the neck is subdivided into several triangles the carotid Triangle is so named because it contains the carotid artery and its division into internal and external carotid it also contain the internal jugular vein numerous other veins arteries and nervous the digastric triangle lies below the jaw read contents parts of the submandibular and parotid salivary glands a a branch of the facial nerve and facial artery and other structures more deeply placed including some of the vessels

Cross selection of front of the neck

The trachea lies in front embraced by the lobes of the thyroid gland the isthmus of the thyroid lies in front of the trachea which can be compressed by it when the thyroid glands is is enlarged blood vessels lie at each side the oesophagus lies behind the Treasure between IT and the vertebral body

the posterior triangle of the neck

The posterior triangle of the neck is bonded in front by sternomastoid muscles and behind by the interior border of trapezius it contains a portion of the cervical and brachial plexuses of nurse a chain of lymphatic glands which life posterior to the the sternomastoid

The Neck

The reason of the neck is divided into two main triangles anterior and posterior by the sternomastoid which running obliquely from the mastoid process of the the temporal bone to the the front of the clavicle is palpable in its entire length the clavicle lies at the base of the neck separating in the form the Thorax

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Malignant disease

Bone Mein Be though comparatively rarely is the site of a tumor a sarcoma,  but it is a common site for deposit of carcinoma.

Separation of emphasis

The joint between the bone shaft and bone ind main become separated in childhood as a result of traumatic injury. This constitutes the condition of a slipped emphasis periostitis is inflammation of the periosteum and this may be associated with infection of the bone tissue osteomyelitis.

Monday 23 September 2019

Development of bone

 The development of bone requires a well-balanced diet containing all all essential food factor calcium and phosphorus are particularly necessary. An adult requires 1 gram of calcium a day in pregnancy more is needed as the Mother's blood serum must supply the calcium required for bone and both formation in the developing fateus. Calcium is obtained from milk cheese cabbage carrot and other vegetable and phosphorus from milk egg yolk and green vegetables. Food containing vitamin D which promote the observation of calcium are essential for bone calcification. Deficiency of vitamin D in the diet of children give rise to rickets because there is insufficient absorption of calcium resulting in interface with bone calcification and the bone soften. In adult deficiency gives rise to osteomalacia.

Osteitis deformans

In Osteitis deformans paget's disease of bone one or more bones may be affected with a tendency to pathological fracture in certain condition in balance of the calcium content of bone make out the bone to soft and bend or alternatively to become tense and marble like as a rule the balance between calcium taken into the body and the level of it content in bone is maintained by the the parathyroid glands.


 In osteoporosis as the condition is called the whole skeleton particular Li the spinal column is affected resulting the shortening of the spine and kyhosis. Osteoporosis may also occur in bones around joint which have been immobilized in plaster cast for long period

Development of bone

 The development of bone requires a well-balanced diet containing all all essential food factor calcium and phosphorus are particularly necessary. An adult requires 1 gram of calcium a day in pregnancy more is needed as the Mother's blood serum must supply the calcium required for bone and both formation in the developing fateus. Calcium is obtained from milk cheese cabbage carrot and other vegetable and phosphorus from milk egg yolk and green vegetables. Food containing vitamin D which promote the observation of calcium are essential for bone calcification. Deficiency of vitamin D in the diet of children give rise to rickets because there is insufficient absorption of calcium resulting in interface with bone calcification and the bone soften. In adult deficiency gives rise to osteomalacia.
    It is estimated that over 90% of the calcium in the body is contained in the bones and teeth.
 Even when fully grown bone is not an inter passive substance the sales and chemical constituents are being continually replaced under the the hormones.

Cartilaginous ossification

In the developing embryo all the long bones are first represent by rods of cartilage covered by perichondrium ( the membrane covering cartilage). A primary centre of ossification call the the diaphysis appear at the middle of what will eventually be the shaft of a long bone. calcium is laid down in the matrix and bone cell develop. The perichondrium becomeperiosteum and from it bone cells  are laid down show that the bone increase in in circumference as well as in length.
  Later in the process of development a secondary centre of ossification appears at each extremity  or emphasis begins there and extends towards the  shaft and also towards the ine of each epiphysis. The end of the bone remain covered by high line catalyse which becomes the the articular cartilage area of cartilage remains between the soft or devices and each extremity or Emphasis and this layer is called the official 30 days which processed until the bone is fully grown.

Membranous ossification

The connective tissue membrane from which the flat bones develop such as those of the skull is very richly supplied with blood. Ossification begins at defined centres and proceeds by the multiplication of sales within the membrane until a delicate network of bone is formed. Eventually a flat bone is produced which consists of two layers of hard compact bone covered by periosteum separated by an intersititial layer of bone resembling can serious bone tissue.

Development and growth of bone

Born develop either in cartilage or in a membrane of connective tissue fibres. the flat bones ossify in membrane and called membrane bone and the long bones in cartilage called cartilage bones.

The systems of the body

Osteology is a knowledge of of bones.
 Arthrology is a knowledge of joints.
Myology is a knowledge of muscles.
Splanchnology is a knowledge of organs or viseera.
Neurology is a a knowledge of nervous and nerve structure