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Saturday 28 September 2019

Classification of bones

 The bones of The Skeleton are classified according to their shape and formation.
 Long bones pound principally in the lens each long bone consists of a 7 and two extremities of long bones act as levers in the body and make movement possible.
Short bones good example of these are seen in the bones of the carpus and tarsus. They are composed largely of cancellous bone tissue as they required to be light and strong they have a thin covering of compact tissue short bones give strength in support as in the strength shown the wrist
Flat bones consists of two layers of dense bone tissue with interviewing layer of a spongy bone these are found where protection is needed as in the bone of the skull the in nominated bones ribs and scapula flat bones also referred large surface for the attachment of muscles for example the scapula.
Irregular bones are those which cannot be included in either of the other three classes examples of irregular bones are the vertebrae and some of the bones of the face. Thesesamoid bones another group these are developed in the tendons of muscles and are found in the vicinity of a joint the patella is the largest example of this type.

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