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Wednesday, 29 April 2020

The thoracic cage

The skeleton of the Thorax is made up of bone and cartilage. The Thorax is a cone shaped cavity broader below then above and longer behind then in front.
  it is formed by the twelve thoracic vertebrae at the back the sternum in front and the 12 pair of ribs at the sides which encircle the trunk from the vertebral Kollam behind to the the sternum in front.

damage to the contents of the skull in head injury

 any part of the brain may be injured. Indicates area of the cerebrum which may be affected giving rise to interference with moment ( the motor cortex) with sensation ( the sensory area) impairment of the the higher mental functions and emotions in the frontal lobe vision is the occipital lobe the speech mechanism memory and hearing the the temporal lobe injury to the internal capsule resulting in in disorders of moment and sensation. Any of the cranial nurves may be injured.
  increase interracial pressure may be due to bleeding or to cerebral edema either may give rise to :
  1. Cerebral comparison with loss of consciousness if full bonding pulse and hyperpyrexia, or
  2. Cerebral irritation when the patient may be restless disorientatef and abusive.
edema may be treated by dehydrating drugs such as urea or mannitol Hexa nitrate.
Chest complications may occur necessitating pharyngeal suction and some cases tracheostomy.
  Sequelae following injury to the head are numerous and included motor and sensory paralyse traumatic.
epilepsy change in personality.
The accessory air sinuses maybe the site of infection collectively termed sinusitis spreading from the nose with which they are intimately connected.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

first aid is is urgently needed for head injury

A Stage of cerebral concusion occur almost immediately and maybe so Transient that it escape notice if seen the patient should be put almost prone (in coma position) with the head lowered as the cough and the swallowing reflex will be absent show that any bleeding from the mouth or regurgitation of food or fluid from stomach aur oesophagus runs out of the mouth and is not inhaled.
 if not breathing the Airway should be cleared and if necessary artificial respiration started until medical aid comes.
  observe bleeding. Sclap wounds bleed freely and can generally be controlled by a pad firmly bandaged ( using a crepe bandage) over bleeding sites until help comes and the scalp can be sutured. Intracranial hemorrhage maybe extradural and generally necessitates Corporation all the bleeding maybe subdural.
    levels of consciousness. A nurse should be familiar with these noting the degree of responsiveness in order to be able to report indication of deterioration aur improvement. She should also be familiar with the observation and care of an unconscious patient.
    discharge from ears and nostrils maybe blood but may also be cerebrospinal fluid escaping as the result of fracture of the base of the skull.
  the state of the pupils if dilated or unequal the condition of reflex to light the presence of squint give variable information to a surgeon necessary observation include routine estimation of blood pressure temperature pulse and respiration the state of the skin as regards colour warmth sweating restlessness need for restraint of the present possibility of a distended bladder or need to empty the bowel indication of pain aur headache noiseless of the patient alteration and difficulty in a speech and difficulty in swallowing.

Friday, 24 April 2020

head injury

Head injury occur inform 50 to 80% of all road and transit accidents and no head injury can be lately regarded it is commonest cause of all young mail death the vault or the base of the skull or both maybe fractured.

the formation of the nose

The bony framework of the nose for the nasal fossae is composed of two cavities about the middle of the face separated from each otherby a thin partition which extends from the palate up to the frontal bone these cavities communicate with the Sinuses of the frontal ethmoid maxillary sphenoid bones infection mein spread from the nasal cavity to these Sinuses.

Thursday, 23 April 2020


The Mandible from the lower jaw. It is the only movable bone in the skull apart from the ossicles of the ear. It consists of a body which the central curved horizontal part containing the lower teeth and forming the chin and Two upright portion Rami one at each side which join the body at the angle of the jaw.
 The ramus terminates above in two process the coronoid process in front and the condyle off the jaw or as it is sometimes called the head of the mandible which lies behind this mandibular head or condyle articulates with the temporal bone to form the temporomandibular joint.
   the mandible may be depressed and alleviated as in opening and closing the mouth it maybe proud retracted and moved slightly from side to side as in mastication.