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Wednesday 29 April 2020

damage to the contents of the skull in head injury

 any part of the brain may be injured. Indicates area of the cerebrum which may be affected giving rise to interference with moment ( the motor cortex) with sensation ( the sensory area) impairment of the the higher mental functions and emotions in the frontal lobe vision is the occipital lobe the speech mechanism memory and hearing the the temporal lobe injury to the internal capsule resulting in in disorders of moment and sensation. Any of the cranial nurves may be injured.
  increase interracial pressure may be due to bleeding or to cerebral edema either may give rise to :
  1. Cerebral comparison with loss of consciousness if full bonding pulse and hyperpyrexia, or
  2. Cerebral irritation when the patient may be restless disorientatef and abusive.
edema may be treated by dehydrating drugs such as urea or mannitol Hexa nitrate.
Chest complications may occur necessitating pharyngeal suction and some cases tracheostomy.
  Sequelae following injury to the head are numerous and included motor and sensory paralyse traumatic.
epilepsy change in personality.
The accessory air sinuses maybe the site of infection collectively termed sinusitis spreading from the nose with which they are intimately connected.

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