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Thursday 8 January 2015

Irritability and conductivity of a cell.

 Mention has been made of some of these cells’ characteristic functional properties, their metabolic activities and power of growth.
   By these two properties then cell is activity. When a cell is stimulated either by chemical, physical, mechanical, or nervous means, the cell responds; it may contract as does a muscle cell (fiber); it may produce a secretion, as do the cell of the stomach, pancreas, and other organs and glands; or it may conduct an impulse, as in the case of the nerve cell. This last is the best example of cell conductivities as a nerve impulse generated by the stimulation of a nerve cell may be conducted for a considerable distance, a yard or more, according to the length of the nerve fiber. But in all case a stimulus which excites a cell to action is conducted along the entire length, from end to end of the cell.

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